1. Playing "who's that cute baby in the mirror?" with Mama. 2. I was tagged to share ten random facts about James. I shared: 1. He adores fruit and can easily eat as much as is served to him. Not much a fan of veggies but quite likes red bell pepper and cucumber if served raw. 2. Loves the pine tree that grows next-door. Has loved it since he could walk and asks to see "James's favorite tree" at least daily. 3. Dances like a wild man every night before bed. My husband and I want him to calm down after his bath but he is always super wound up. He does go to bed well however. 4. Had long black hair when he was born. It all fell out by 4 months and the light brown grew in. 5. Wears his saltwater sandals every day in the summer and has a killer sandal tan. 6. Loves to be outside, whatever the weather. 7. Loves nap time. After lunch every day he says "I want a nap" and then puts himself in bed. 8. Nutella might be his favorite food of all. We have to hide it. He opens the pantry and says "were'd James's UN-tella go?" 9. Likes playing with the iPad. His favorite app is Monkey Lunchbox Preschool. 10. Has recently decided that balls are the best toy ever after showing zero interest in balls for the first 2 years of his life.
3. I didn't mean to share a photo of each of my children's eyes close up, but it seemed to happen this week. Juliet's eyes are less blue by the day. Not sure what they will end up but I'm guessing brown. 4. James snuggles after his nap. He was really that close.
5. We started this bunny on solids this week in hopes that she will eat something in the 24 hours I'm away from the house (my surgery requires an overnight stay). She quite liked sweet potatoes, but is adamant, she WILL NOT take a bottle. Oh dear... 6. James is the best daddy.
7. Popsicles with best buds. Every morning we are home (since Juliet naps now) so we have lots of backyard playdates. 8. One, two, three jump! When it's 100 degrees and humid out, Gymboree is a fantastic alternative.
9. Ice cream date with my best boy. 10. Most AMAZING dinner E made last weekend, BBQed Santa Maria tri-tip sliced thin atop a buttered garlic roll. Top heavily with caramelized onions and BBQ sauce and enjoy. Oh my god... Oh and don't forget the smoked pinto beans topped with cheese and charred jalapeño.
11. Favorite recipe in the house is E's biscuit recipe. I love that it is all hand written in E's hand and there are three versions (written in pencil, then black pen then blue pen). The coffee and grease stain just add to it. 12. Cotton candy sunset.
13. Our little blue pool tore a hole (sob!) so we replaced it with a slip and slide. James does not understand yet, but we are working on it. 14. Another backyard playdate. Watch out! James is about to soak you!
15. My little explorer in Big Cottonwood Canyon. 16. After a few false starts, Juliet can now sit longer than three seconds! Yea! (Also, I found this adorable onsie with toadstools on it! I had to have it.)

I have to have some of that dinner!!! And for dessert, sweet smooches on my grandkids!