Today James turned three.
This does not cease to blow my mind.
I swear it was just yesterday that I had him.
So, some stats. James is an amazing talker. He has full conversations, remembers things, uses big words, is a master on the iPad, is potty trained, is an amazing sleeper, and is getting into the "terrible threes".
He is funny! So funny! He makes me laugh every day with his silly antics, his sweet expressions, and his goofy dance moves.
He has become a really great eater. Once upon a time he was picky, but now he tries almost everything that we eat, and likes most things too. His favorite meal is lunch, his favorite time of day is a tie between nap time and "digging time", and he loves his daddy most of all.
He sleeps from 7:30 pm to about 7:30 am. When he wakes he always has a sippy cup of milk and watches his favorite television shows on my bed. His current favorites are Cat in a Hat and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. After a show we eat breakfast, put Juliet down for a nap and usually head outside to play. We dig, we chase, we throw the ball. He also loves the iPad and plays that for a bit in the mornings.
Once Juliet wakes (at 11:00) we either take a walk or play in the basement. By noon he's ready for a nap ("I'm feeling tired. I want a nap") and I lie down with Juliet at 1:00. At 2:30 I leave Juliet's side and wake the boy. Once up, he usually wants to watch another show or play on the iPad again.
When Juliet wakes at 3:00 or so, we head out of the house for the day. Parks, friend's houses, nature trails, or the zoo are all favorite spots. By dinner time we've returned home as has Daddy. James misses E so much when he's at work. He'll often say "I was missing you today! You haven't given me a kiss yet!"
Dinner, playtime, tub, and wrestling are all traditions before bed. He usually gets in trouble in the bath for doing huge splashes and getting E and the bathroom soaked, but once he's in his room he's wound up and so happy. E and James wrestle (ka-slam game!) and play "horsey game" which has evolved to be nothing like riding a horse.
Before bed, every night, E reads him a book. Then I come in and we have a family hug, a drink and turn off the light. The last part of his day (every single day) is two "treasure hunts" on his back, which is a silly tickle I do on his back before bed. He loves it.
And I love him.
This boy is such a good boy. Such a sweet person. Such a silly man. Such an amazing big brother.
He is simply adored.
Happy third birthday kiddo!
And a few of my favorite Wolfy photos: