Saturday, August 07, 2010

Picnic in the park

Today it threatened rain. The skies were dark and the air was heavy and hot. I had purchased all the items to pack a picnic at Red Butte Garden, but at the last minute E and I decided to not drive the 30 minutes plus to Red Butte because of the storm. Instead we drove down the road to Murray Park. We figured we could always duck under a pavilion if it started to rain, and if our picnic got rained out, Murray Park was a lot closer to home than Red Butte Garden.

And it did rain. But it was a warm summer rain, and it only sprinkled. E and I walked with James near the river. We watched a Mama duck with 6 ducklings, talked to some cute kids that had caught some tiny fish in a bucket, and got our feet wet. Actually James got his shorts wet as well, so we took them off and waded up and down the river. He was thrilled.

And then when the rain started up again we laid out a soft blanket under a big shade tree and ate peaches, bread, cheese and our other picnic choices. It ended up being just perfect.

My perfect boys watch the river and the ducks.
The bridge and playing on the beach. Soon the shoes will come off!

Daddy shoes, baby shoes.
Into the river we go. It was surprisingly not too cold.
Soon the shorts were soaked, so off they came.

Up and back. Lots of times.

Looking for fishies.
Picnic on the blanket.
And we usually cut up the peach for James, but he was reaching for it so E gave it to him to look at. He took a big bite right from the top with his two little teeth.


  1. That pic of James eating the peach is just so cute... he should beware of giant peaches... boys named James and giant peaches don't have a great track record. hahaha! i kill myself with my funny jokes. :)

  2. Oh my gosh! That James and the Peach picture needs to be framed, please! Was he able to get a bite? I can imagine the tiny teeth marks.... awww...

    (Renee's husband tells her to step away from the computer now, as she's getting that "hungry" look...) ;-)

  3. I live the side-view of James in the first picture. It's a very different expression than we normally see. But the peach picture is also just "peachy"!

  4. Ok, so I really "love" the first pic of James, not "live" it! Borgus Weems hands strike again!

  5. I love the father/son shoe picture, it is awesome!


Lovely thoughts:

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