Size of Baby: 5.5" and 7 oz.
Maternity clothes? Yes! After noticing that my tank top showed off an inch of belly skin I went to the basement and dug around in the dark (horrible spidery task) and found my maternity clothes. I'm rocking a maternity shirt today and it feels great. Nice and long, not worry that a belly will poke out.
Sleep: Ok.
Gender: Yep, you read it correctly! It's a girl!
Movement: Might have felt my first kicks this week. Nothing to note in the baby book though.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Yuck, what a week. Nearly constant headache that will not be tamed (and no ibuprofen allowed during pregnancy), sciatic nerve pain, really tired, and just feeling all around pregnant.
Food Cravings: Nothing notable. Had to stop for McDonald's breakfast this morning. Also, coffee, which I LOVE is not doing it for me anymore. Maybe part of the reason I have a headache, coffee withdrawal?
Belly Button in or out: In.
What I miss: Taking ibuprofen when I have a headache. Oh man oh man I miss this...
What I am looking forward to: Three day weekend starting tomorrow. (E has to work on Monday so he's taking tomorrow off!)
Weekly Wisdom: Headaches suck.
Best moment this week: On Sunday E made breakfast, smoked ribs all afternoon, made homemade biscuits to go with the ribs and then we finished the day with E's homemade ice cream. Yea, I have it good.
Milestones: Today is the first day I'm wearing maternity clothes. Yea me! (please note sarcasm)
And did you notice my new header? Just like last year: I want to do a fall header on my blog with autumn colors, but since none of the leaves have started to change, I think it might need to wait a month or so. But, my summer 2011 header was feeling a little outdated.
Here is the new header and last year's summer/fall header just for kicks. (Want to see all my headers? I added a new tab on the top! Or you can just click this link).

I did Mcdonalds for breakfast this morning too. I didn't have coffee and was craving me some McMuffin. Love the new header!