Size of Baby: I mentioned last week that Baby Girl was measuring a bit small (19 weeks, 5 days instead of where she should have been at 20 weeks 6 days). They want me to come in for another ultrasound in four weeks to make sure she is growing well. Seeing baby girl in three more weeks seems like ok news, but it totally freaked me out that they were worried enough to schedule another ultrasound. Let's hope all is well. The news (along with my cervical length is a touch short) really upset me. :(
Sleep: Mine ok. James's naps are only an hour this week. Uggg....
Movement: I feel little kicks on a daily basis. Not strong enough to bother me yet, just make me smile.
Pregnancy Symptoms: My sciatic nerve can go to hell and burn.
Food Cravings: Nothing unusual.
What I miss: Feeling like I can pick up James without my sciatic nerve yelling at me. Not being winded all the time.
What I am looking forward to: E's next big Japan trip (9 days: two weekends plus the entire work week between) to be behind us.
Weekly Wisdom: James is super smart. We've had a few timeouts and it seems to be working. He is sweeter and smarter every day, and if we go outside near the road, he lifts his hand for me to hold it. Yea for that!
Best moment this week: Going up the mountains on Saturday was pretty awesome.
Milestones: Nothing big this week.
Onto photos: I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that there was some road work happening near my house. Well James is mesmerized. He LOVES big trucks. First thing out of his mouth in the morning? Bulldozer. First thing he wants to see after a nap? Bulldozer. This means we've been spending a lot of time down the road watching the digging and dumping and scooping and banging.
I've watched more construction vehicles in the last two weeks than I have in the 30 years perviously. I love having a little boy. I really do. :)

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