Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Family walk in the park

Not too long ago we took a walk as a family of three at this park. It was our last weekend as a family of three and it was wonderful. This weekend we broke out our summer clothes for the first time and went to the same park as a family of four. If possible, it was more wonderful.
James was as happy as a clam throwing little tree blossoms into the duck pond and this little girl finally took a binky (first time for everything!) after a huge scream-fest in the car ride over.

Soon James grew tired of the little blossoms and wanted to throw big rocks that make a big splash. He also wanted to stand on the railing. He was quite insistent.

Soon we were on the hunt for more big rocks and took a stroll around the forest (as James calls it). Luckily the forest was great for discovering lots of rocks. James thought it was such a treat to hunt the woods for the biggest ones.

He wore his little backpack about half the time (carrying his own water bottle) and he looked so darling. Can't wait for hiking season to take off.

This little girl loved the bumpy road and fell right asleep. She has gained so much weight lately, she is not tiny like she once was. Oh no, she has a full face and huge cheeks, just like her brother. She's my chunky monkey. ;)
Throwing the big rocks into the pond again did not disappoint. One splash was so big it hit James's arm. He hasn't stopped talking about it since.

Friday, March 23, 2012

This little girl

This little girl has been doing a lot of crying as of late. I think we have a touch of colic here. Oh boy, when she gets going it is not fun for anyone. James hates it (who can blame him). So today when she conked out on the couch I was thrilled. Sleeping babies means they aren't crying. And that, my friend, is a very very good thing.
Things aren't all bad though, because this little girl? Slept NINE hours last night! Hello awesome!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Dames hiding"

James has been loving hide and seek games lately. He either asks for the "get you game" or the "Dames hiding game".
Often when he's playing he'll tell you where he'd like you to hide. "Mama hide right here!" or he'll narrate where he's hiding. It is the funniest thing when E asks "hmmm, where is James, is he under the desk?" and you hear a little voice say "no!".

E continues asking, "is he under the big table?" (what James calls the kitchen table).


"Is he behind the curtains?"

"Yes!" Both E and I get a huge kick out of how he doesn't quite get the point of hide and seek yet. Man, this age is awesome.
The other day we noticed the forsythia was in full bloom on the side yard. James was enthralled. "Yellow flowers! Beautiful!"Today he requested the "Dames hiding game" near the yellow flowers. Hmmm... where is that kiddo?
If he can't see me, I certainly can't see him. ;)
Oh there he is!

He is so funny. So smart. Such a goof. He tells me all the time when he's acting silly, "careful kiddo!" or "be careful goof!" which are two things I say to him all the time, apparently.
Lashes. Flowers. Spring. A boy that I would give my life for a million times over. And as I sit here typing this post, I have Juliet asleep on my lap. Her little breaths so soft and delicate. Life is perfect.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Nap on Mama's bed

Most days you can find this little girl napping next to Mama. She really is such a snuggle bunny. And she's gaining weight. She's looking quite big these days, and her cheeks are really filling out. She looks so much like James did at this age. I love it.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day lunch

Lunch today included green milk, green cheesy eggs, green applesauce and James's first ever salad, which he quite enjoyed! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Our life in photos

A lot of my daily photos are taken with my cell phone. I love texting them to E throughout the day. If it's a photo that I especially like, I'll share on Instagram. Here are some of my recent favorites. I'm HappierStill on Instragram, if you want to follow.

1. James playing "raccoon" in the hollow log at Wheeler Farm. 2. Dry bean activity. I thought he could scoop them and such. All the beans ended up on the floor and the bowl turned into a helmet. 3. Me and my girl (who's lost most her hair).

4. My sweet Juliet. 5. Trying the baby wrap for the second time (she didn't scream!). 6. Snow melting at Murray Park.

7. If I need a few minutes to nurse Juliet and James is acting antsy, I ask him if he wants to wash hands (play in the sink). This usually buys me a good 15 minutes. 8. James wanted to share his crayons with Juliet and proceeded to stack them all on her tummy. 9. Tiny baby foot.

10. More baby wearing. 11. Her favorite place to sleep EVER. 12. Mama snuggles.

And here are a few from day to day life around here, when I remember to get my big camera out.

Baby wearing again. This is how I look 50% of the day. She only wants to be held and if I'm trying to keep James happy too, I need my hands free.
This particular evening she fell asleep in my arms and she was just so cute, so tiny. I told E to grab a few photos of us, or I would always regret it.
James, Juliet, and I see my Grandma once a week or so. It's been a long time since James has wanted to be held, so my Grandma is thrilled to have a new sleepy baby to rock.
This photo totally cracks me up. E was resting with Juliet on the couch one day and James climbed up and said "nap too". Then he pretended to be sleeping and even closed his eyes. I love his little half grin and kicking legs, obviously not sleeping. ;)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Red Butte Garden in the spring

The weather last weekend was divine. Unbelievably beautiful. I was feeling cooped up and brave, willing to risk taking my little hungry girl on our first bigger outing. And what better place than our family's favorite, Red Butte Garden.

The very early daffodils were already in bloom. I am so excited to go back in April and take our family's annual photo, with all of us dressed in yellow.
Last year I wrote: You know those things that you remember doing all the time as a kid? Maybe a specific park or always visiting a specific restaurant? How you feel nostalgic about it, stating to anyone that will listen "we always went there when I was a kid, and I loved it."

That is Red Butte Garden for my family.

We always go there. And we always love it.

I was so so excited to introduce the garden to this little girl. She slept in her car seat like a perfect angel the entire time. I said to E that it reminded me so much of our first visit to the garden with James. The seasons were different but the sleepy babies were the same.
James adores Red Butte and we have had to start spelling it in his presence, because if he hears it mentioned, he does not forget and asks again and again to go. Glad on Saturday we could fulfill the little guy's wish.
One thing that makes me really happy? Snowdrops in bloom. They are always the first to arrive and I take a photo of them every single year. I love them that much.
A few other early bloomers were awake too!

Dada with the stroller and Juliet. Whenever she would stir, we'd just roll the stroller over some bumpy ground (or grass) and she'd drift back off.
Had to post another of this series. His smile just kills me.
Almost every time we go to the garden I get a shot of James on this bridge watching the waterfall (which is still his favorite thing in the entire world). This time the bridge held both my children, and that is an awesome feeling.
And I said to E a couple of times, is there anything more perfect in this world than a baby girl in a pink bonnet?

Happy spring.
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