37 weeks means that if I were to give birth, my baby is considered full term, not a preemie. That is really really scary. Although my due date is still three weeks out, lots of woman deliver early (but keep in mind, lots deliver late too). E and I are getting so excited to meet this little man. The fear comes and goes, but I know right now I'm feeling mostly excitement.
Do you remember
this photo taken at the farmhouse, where I felt huge? Well I took another one in the same place, I think I'm huge-er.
E took this photo of me last Sunday at 36 weeks 4 days.

Here's my weekly quiz-
How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't been to the doc yet this week, so don't have an updated tally. I feel heavier, and my feet are more swollen. Yuck.
Maternity clothes? Heck yes.
Sleep: hurts.
Movement: Yesterday Baby November went crazy. First he had a tumbling class, then soon after Rumba class started. And the night before when we were watching The Office he was doing karate. Even as I type this I'm feeling kicks.
Labor Signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks, not fun. Also, some crampiness started this week (feels like I'm going to start my period), again, not fun.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Everything. I stopped drinking a carton of OJ every two days so the heartburn is less, but now I have a harder time sleeping, walking and bending due to the fact that I'm still quite pregnant.
Food Cravings: The OJ calls to me. All. the. time. I must resist.
Belly Button in or out? I popped, just like a turkey timer.
What I miss: Being able to turn over in my sleep while still asleep. This honestly sounds like heaven. If I want to turn over in bed, I have to wake up, sit up, roll over, adjust pillows, usually get up to pee, get a drink, adjust again, think about the horrible pains radiating down my back and lower abdomen, and wish that my tummy didn't feel so heavy.
What I am looking forward to: Really looking forward to the holidays with our new baby. I'm imagining all the time snuggling with him and E in front of the Christmas tree and all the sweet newborn photos I want to take of him.
Weekly Wisdom: Getting the nursery mostly done helps with peace of mind. (I haven't forgotten about photos!)
Best moment this week: Setting up the crib last night and getting lots and lots of comments on my Halloween shirt. I'll post a photo come Halloween!
Milestones: Today I'm full term. Wow!