Yesterday was glorious. After a cold and dreary Saturday (we tried going to the park but had to run back to the car as the hail/rain fell hard and fast), Sunday proved to be one of those spring days worth living for.
We started the day with German Pancakes, which has become a weekend tradition in our house. E loves to make them and everyone in the family, including the littlest, pickiest eater, loves to eat them with a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of powdered sugar.
After a long wonderful breakfast we loaded the baby into the stroller for a nice walk to visit the goats. Yes! There are goats in our neighborhood. Makes me feel like I'm living in the country, and these goats (and a handful of chickens) are the cutest things around. Must post about them soon.
Soon we put James down for a nap and E and I headed into the backyard. We spread a quilt onto the lawn and enjoyed the sunshine for over an hour. This is something we've been dying to do since last summer, and yesterday marked the first relaxing-afternoon-on-the-blanket of the season.
When the sweet boy woke up we went to the garden. So much has changed in less than a month. Most of the snow is gone, the trees are slowly waking up and the ponds are melted. There are even the very first of the daffodils in bloom. It is crazy to think that in only one more month the garden will look like this and we will all wear our yellow and head to that perfect bench for a family photo.
Yesterday none of us wore coats. We, again, let James lead the way and left the stroller at home. It is unreal how quickly my baby has changed into a kid! (I mean hello? Doesn't he look to be about eight years old in this photo I posted last week?!)
I am so looking forward to spending Sundays at the garden as spring slowly inches itself forward into summer. I just love it.
I love the juxtaposition of these two shots. Winter and spring meeting. There weren't a lot of daffodils in bloom yet, but enough for a photo! And James LOVES snow. He shovels it into his mouth like a mad man.

The last of the winter leaves will surely be raked up soon. I've been working on that job in my gardens as well.
First time on Dada's shoulders. He loved it and wore a big grin the entire time.

Another bench that has special meaning to us is this one. We had an anniversary dinner on it two years ago. James found the bench to be perfect to play peek-a-boo with Dad. Love this series.
Where is James?
I see him.
Big smiles the entire time.

Last shot of the day. This kid loves his trees.

And right before bed last night James was being extra silly. Spinning around, falling over and doing this crazy silly back bend thing. E got out his phone to record the sillies. Sorry about the quality of this video, it was dim in his room, but I'm sure you'll like it nonetheless.The last of the winter leaves will surely be raked up soon. I've been working on that job in my gardens as well.
Another bench that has special meaning to us is this one. We had an anniversary dinner on it two years ago. James found the bench to be perfect to play peek-a-boo with Dad. Love this series.
Last shot of the day. This kid loves his trees.
Just what I needed for my daily fix of James and Spring!
ReplyDeleteThat video is SO cute!