I doubt you are as excited as I was to find out if Baby Dos is a boy or a girl. There is no way you are as excited as this Mama. But also I was nervous. Excited, scared and really nervous.
Our family of three walked into a dark room at an ultrasound office two Saturdays ago. They told me the entire process would be short, so James was welcome to come.
Cold jelly on the belly and moments later we saw a little profile. There is nothing like seeing your baby's profile for the first time. It is amazing. So beautiful. Heart beating quite quickly and looking perfect.

We waited.
They pressed again and we waited.
I was so nervous.
Then they said it:
At that very moment, James, with a huge smile on his face, laid his head on E's shoulder and sighed the happiest little sigh. The ultrasound tech asked him how he felt about a baby sister and he clapped.
Later E and I were talking about how James reacted. How did he know? He must have fed off the happiness in the room because he was the happiest of us all.
Deep down I really wanted a girl (is that horrible to admit?!). We have a boy and I adore him with every cell of my being. I knew that if I had another boy I would be thrilled. THRILLED.
But I also would be thrilled with a girl. Dolls, crafts, flowers, fairies, all the things I grew up loving I could share with a daughter while E and James shared their love for airplanes, flashlights and watches.
After we found out I was in shock. I hadn't wanted to admit to myself how much I wanted a little girl to add to our family. E was thrilled, grinning from ear to ear. Come February we'd have a boy and a girl.
Life is perfect.
And? One of the names we like is Lily. We asked James if he could say Lily and he repeated it back to us perfectly. Now throughout the day he'll happy squeal "Lily!" at top volume. I guess James's vote is in!
Here's a video from last night of James's name choice.