Merry merry Christmas! It might be two days past the holiday, but I have yet to blog Christmas photos and even a couple of Christmas activities. By the end of this, I'll be in a true Christmas coma.
Christmas morning was so memorable. James is getting to the age where he understands presents. Santa is still a little beyond him, but he knew what it meant to have a new toy. First thing I did on Christmas morning was turned on the tree and grabbed my video camera. I wanted to have a video of James walking down the hall and into the living room. I wanted to see his face when he saw his new slide. I didn't catch his face (darn it) but I do have video proof of how thrilled he was to receive a "big slide!". I just love this video. :)
Once the video camera was put away and we rode the slide a few more times, we moved onto our stockings. I love taking a photo of James with his stocking every year, but my favorite stocking photo ever will always be his first.
James was thrilled with this light up spinning toy that Santa found at the mall. And he loved this noise maker too. It is so fun trying to find little presents to tuck in the stocking. Growing up, stockings were almost better than the big presents. Little gifts mixed in with fruit and candy. Also, James got a sucker (lollipop) in his stocking. It was the only thing he asked for this year, and was beyond thrilled to see it. All the rest of the Christmas morning photos have that blasted sucker in his hand. Each year Santa brings at least one toy and one book. I love this tradition and want to keep it until he's an adult. This year's book of choose? A digger book, of course. As soon as he laid eyes on it he said "read, read, read!". So Dada and kiddo sat down for some Christmas morning reading about diggers. Throughout the morning he'd go back to the slide periodically to ride down "fast". E asked for only one thing, a new watch. It is Swiss made and somehow really good (?). He was in heaven. And I only asked for one thing as well: a day at the spa before Baby Girl gets here. I was specific with my request, however. I wanted E to join me (because the spa is more fun with those you love) so it had to include a babysitter for this little man. He stepped it up and decided to have an entire "Japanese Relaxation Day" where we will spa and go to a Japanese dinner. To tie the theme together he got me a beautiful wood cut Japanese advent card. I was a very happy girl. At ten we joined E's siblings at E's family's house. The present pile was enormous and everything looked and felt so festive. Connie is known for her stockings. They are beyond description. Amazing. James was thrilled with all the little goodies in his stocking and began to eat raisins first thing. E's siblings. His brother David, brother-in-law Joe, and sister Chelsea. And his parents. Everyone opened present after present. New coat for me (can't zip it up yet, let's hope it fits once the baby is here!). Enjoying the long wonderful Christmas morning. Happy kiddo. Soon it was time to sit down for brunch. Connie made the traditional hash brown casserole and we had fruit, yogurt, and croissants to accompany it. So yummy. Back at home we all enjoyed a long nap, and then more sliding, of course.
My dad and his girlfriend came over late in the afternoon. We chatted, exchanged gifts, played with James (who by now was feeling quite grumpy) and pretty much enjoyed all that Christmas day had to offer. At dinnertime we decided to brave the grumpy toddler (too much sugar, not enough sleep?) and head back to E's family's house for dinner. We've never had Christmas dinner with E's family, it has always been with mine. It was such a nice change, however. James decided to cheer up (mostly) and eat dinner, join Mama and Dada on the couch for snuggles, and be wonderful and sweet. We stayed until his bedtime, sleepily packed up our boy, wished everyone a Merry Christmas and headed home with full bellies. Merry Christmas.
Although it is now two days post holiday, I'm still living it up. E is home from work the entire week, and I'm not sure what I like more, Christmas day, or the week after. Today we spent a lazy morning at home and are meeting some family for a pool date this afternoon. Perfect.
Sam had to watch that video four times already. What a fun day you guys had!