How far along: 33 weeks. Although I pushed back my due date on this quiz when Baby Girl was measuring small in ultrasound, my official due date is still February 2nd, which means I'm 34 weeks. But, I'm still measuring small (only 32 weeks today), so I don't think I'll deliver before the second.
Sleep: Ok, once I'm asleep. Falling asleep is painful. My heavy tummy, my horrible bitchy sciatic nerve (which is the worst at bed time), and my pelvic pressure all keep me from getting comfortable.
Weight Gain/Loss:Went to the doc just today and I'm up 20 lbs.
Movement: She is kicking me right now. When they were trying to find her heartbeat at the doctors, she was moving around so much, they kept loosing it. What a silly girl
Size of Baby: Last week she was 19" long and almost 4 lbs. Not much change this week.
Pregnancy Symptoms: My sciatic nerve is killing me. My pelvic pressure is not fun. Heartburn, sore back and feet, achy tummy, strong sense of smell. Oh the joys of third trimester.
Food Cravings: Sweets are everywhere this time of year, aren't they? They always sound good and then give me a bit of a tummy ache, so I'm trying to steer clear, actually. Fresh fruit is still my favorite.
What I miss: Lying on my back without major pain. Jogging up a flight of stairs. Being able to roll over.
What I am looking forward to: BEST WEEK EVER! Christmas Eve tomorrow, Christmas the next day, and then an entire week with E off of work. Yea, there is a lot to be happy about.
Weekly Wisdom: My doctor told me to eat a lot over the holidays because of my "slower weight gain." Ok! Done and done!
Best moment this week: Lots of holiday traditions over the last week. Zoo lights, Dim Sum with my Dad and siblings, Solstice Party, and E's family cookie day last night (which I still need to blog about).
Milestones: Reaching 33 weeks? Let's just call that a milestone. :)
the explanation for everything
4 days ago
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