Now that my surgery is behind me and I'm feeling awesome, and glorious September is upon us, there is nothing I feel I can't do.
So we went to the park yesterday morning and I grabbed my camera. Header photos were not in mind (neither kiddo is dressed in fall colors) but I came home with images I liked. And that's all that matters.
So until the autumn leaves start to change (and I take TRUE autumn header photos), I grace you with these.
I hope you are enjoying September as much as you should (which is a lot).
After my amazing luck last week getting a photo of both my children smiling, I was sure it would happen again. This is the best I got with James, so Juliet had to be cropped in the photo for my header (ha!).
And when James was too busy looking for snakes and big rocks Juliet was happy to show off her biggest grins.
I begged James to come back, to sit near his sister and this is what I got.
I told James to smile and he gave me the fake, but too-busy-to-look-up smile. And Juliet looks thrilled. So much harder than I thought. At least I got individual shots I was happy with.
And look?! I know! Just yesterday we were in the middle of summer and now fall arrived, and boom, yellow leaves.
Back at home I wanted to try to get a few with me in them as well. Juliet was done smiling at this point.
Really she just wanted to kiss.
Such a good kisser. (I giggled so much when I saw this photo, her hand on my cheek, her closed eyes, she looks so, so... romantic?! Ha!)
Of course the big grins come out when Daddy's holding her.
Happy autumn!
So cute-all of you! I've been seeing tons and tons of colors on my bike rides...that's one of the best parts come fall with my passion for riding bikes. Just yesterday the colors were on fire up high in draper!