At eight months Juliet is almost sleeping through the night. Some nights are better than others, but she's getting better and better. I no longer feed her at night. She needs to wait until 5:30 a.m. at the earliest, when I bring her in bed with me to nurse and snuggle until James wakes up. If she wakes before 5:30 am, I just give her her binky and she almost always goes back to sleep. Good sweet girl! And, since seven months, she's been sleeping in her own crib in her own room at night. She's growing up!
She now naps in the basement during the day due to a very loud and excited brother. She takes two great naps, one from 9:30 to 11:00 and then another from 1:00-3:00.
She is so full of smiles and personality, she is hard to take your eyes off her. She loves to eat and is weaning herself off of breast milk slowly because she loves solids. She's the master of finger foods easily putting blueberries, raisins and yogurt puffs in her mouth. She adores purees, and eats most without any complaints.
Her hair is growing in quite quickly and is so blond in some lights (below) and dark in other lights. Here eyes are dark, but not quite true brown yet.
She has two teeth, can easily roll off of her tummy in no time, and squirms whenever we walk outside.
Onto likes and dislikes.
- Mama and Daddy snuggles. She still is such a snuggle bunny.
- Food, and lots of it.
- Going on walks with James.
- Saying "mamama...." and "bababa..."
- Laughing at silly sounds.
- Playing with her dolly and her other toys.
- Taking baths with Mama.
- Tummy time. Not much of a problem now because she just flips over onto her back.
- Being scared. New faces, scary noises James makes, or being startled makes her cry.
- Baths in the sink. James loved sink baths, her, not so much.
- Cottage cheese. We've tried a few times and the first time she liked it, now, not so much.
When she's displeased she does the funniest little snorty face. She scrunches up her nose and breaths in and out of it quickly. Today? She was sick of photos and ready for nap time. Happy eight months baby girl!
Outfit details:
Dress - Baby Gap (gift from dear friends)
Leggings - Carters
Headband - Etsy
Want to see James at eight months? Here's a link for ya!
And from 1 month until now:

GORGEOUS! She is such a doll.
ReplyDeleteCute! I love her chubby little baby arms! :)