Re-reading this the next day made me realize I have major pregnancy brain. 24+24 does not in any way shape or form equal 42. Duh!
Size of Baby: Not sure. All sites say something different, but is seems that baby might be a foot long! WOW!
Sleep: James is still rocking the hour long naps this week, and my sleep has been ok. I'm exhausted by the end of the day and often call it a night by 9:00 pm.
Pregnancy Clothes: Yes. I bought some more this week. Pregnancy pants just kill me. They are terrible. So I got some yoga maternity pants. They are pretty much perfect other than the fact that I look like I'm always in my PJs.
Movement: Yes. She loves to move and wiggle. Last night at bed time I felt the first "hard" kick.
Pregnancy Symptoms: This week has been all about pelvic pressure. Tears are mostly gone (yea!) but sciatic nerve pain is still a pain in the ass. (haha! get it, because it's in the butt muscle.. haha!)
Food Cravings: Tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch every day sounds perfect. This is how its been for two months already.
What I miss: Sushi. And James's long naps. Can I have them both please?
What I am looking forward to: Hearing that I have a perfectly growing baby and a nice thick cervix on my next appointment (scheduled for next Thursday!).
Weekly Wisdom: I love my life. I really really do.
Best moment this week: Seeing E arrive home. This was the best moment of the month.
Milestones: Still able to take longish walks with James? Does that count? Because this pelvic pressure is not fun.
And the two photos above? Yea. I was blown away too. My friend Sedra took those today of James and I at Wheeler Farm. AMAZING. My boy's smile just kills me. I haven't ever gotten this true happiness on camera before. Thank you thank you Sedra for having your camera at the right moment. I am seriously thinking of hanging these above my bed. (I liked these photos so much I swapped them into my header. Yea, love.)
More Wheeler Farm photos to come.
Seeing those cute photos of you and James on your blog made my DAY! So glad to have been there :)