Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pregnancy quiz: 24 weeks {and my favorite photo of James and I EVER}

How far along: 24 weeks. I hate to say it, but I have a feeling this is the "middle" of this pregnancy for me. I have a feeling my due date will be pushed back a week due to Baby Girl measuring a week small, and I was pregnant for 41 weeks with James. So yea...

Re-reading this the next day made me realize I have major pregnancy brain. 24+24 does not in any way shape or form equal 42. Duh!

Size of Baby: Not sure. All sites say something different, but is seems that baby might be a foot long! WOW!

Sleep: James is still rocking the hour long naps this week, and my sleep has been ok. I'm exhausted by the end of the day and often call it a night by 9:00 pm.

Pregnancy Clothes: Yes. I bought some more this week. Pregnancy pants just kill me. They are terrible. So I got some yoga maternity pants. They are pretty much perfect other than the fact that I look like I'm always in my PJs.

Movement: Yes. She loves to move and wiggle. Last night at bed time I felt the first "hard" kick.

Pregnancy Symptoms: This week has been all about pelvic pressure. Tears are mostly gone (yea!) but sciatic nerve pain is still a pain in the ass. (haha! get it, because it's in the butt muscle.. haha!)

Food Cravings: Tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch every day sounds perfect. This is how its been for two months already.

What I miss: Sushi. And James's long naps. Can I have them both please?

What I am looking forward to: Hearing that I have a perfectly growing baby and a nice thick cervix on my next appointment (scheduled for next Thursday!).

Weekly Wisdom: I love my life. I really really do.

Best moment this week: Seeing E arrive home. This was the best moment of the month.

Milestones: Still able to take longish walks with James? Does that count? Because this pelvic pressure is not fun.

And the two photos above? Yea. I was blown away too. My friend Sedra took those today of James and I at Wheeler Farm. AMAZING. My boy's smile just kills me. I haven't ever gotten this true happiness on camera before. Thank you thank you Sedra for having your camera at the right moment. I am seriously thinking of hanging these above my bed. (I liked these photos so much I swapped them into my header. Yea, love.)

More Wheeler Farm photos to come.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Seeing those cute photos of you and James on your blog made my DAY! So glad to have been there :)


Lovely thoughts:

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