First off, no, this is not my baby, just a cute baby photo I found online thinking that it might get my labor kick started. Now, onto the real update:
I know all my wonderful blog readers are excited to hear what is new with my cervix, so I thought I'd update. Besides, who doesn't like to read about someone else's cervix on a Friday afternoon?
So today at the doc I was hoping she'd tell me I was ready to go into labor and that I should head to the hospital (haha! A girl can dream,) but instead she said it does indeed look like Baby November has dropped. The cervical exam revealed that I'm 3 cm dilated, so I'm making progress, but still not ready to go into labor.
She stripped my membranes which I guess sometimes can help things continue to move forward, but doesn't necessarily induce labor. What does "stripped my membranes" mean? I have no idea, other than the fact that it was quite painful. I'm sure an simple Google search would give me more info than I ever needed on the subject, but alas, I'm feeling tired and lazy, and not wanting to think about my cervix anymore at the moment, so I'm not going to Google it.
She guesses I will go into labor before I'm 41 weeks pregnant, but wanted to schedule being induced just in case. But, being that 41 weeks is the day before Thanksgiving, I pleaded with her to induce me early. However, apparently in Utah, you can't induce earlier than 41 weeks without a medical need. So, instead of spending Thanksgiving in the hospital, I requested to be induced the day after Thanksgiving, if it comes to that. Which, of course will mean, I'll go into labor naturally on Thanksgiving day, which is what I've been saying will happen all along.
That said, there is still hope, so send me all your happy labor vibes that I'll go into labor now, or at least soon, or at least before November 25! I want to be home, with baby on boob before the Thanksgiving holiday!
And, above, just for fun, a photo of an adorable newborn. I wonder what mine will look like...
Oh, and one last thought, if you'd like to guess when Baby November will actually arrive, please post them in the comments! It will be super fun to see who is right.
Best Surprises of 2024
3 weeks ago
I think the 21st would be a lovely day to be born. I'm going to be optimistic and hope you don't have to wait that long, though. Being overdue is just not even close to fun.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you! Enjoy your last few days of real freedom :) I'm so excited for the two of you
Where is the full moon at? I think full moons cause moms to go into labor. ;)Darn! Nov. 2 and Dec. 2... I don't think the moon is going to help you this time. ;)
ReplyDeleteCan you run to Calif? Maybe the tide could help you... he he he.
I will make a prediction that you're going to feel uncomfortable on Sunday, go to the hospital late Sunday or the middle of the night, and give birth sometime Monday.
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting time! I'm anxious to hear what you're naming him.
You know my official guess is November 23 at 2:34 pm. With all the new info, I'm really thinking Monday, the 16th.
ReplyDeleteI check my phone about 50 times a day for the "Baby is coming!" text.
My gosh!!! My stomach dropped when I saw the pic of that baby! I thought, oh my gosh, I missed it! The baby has already come! LOL
ReplyDeleteI am guessing that Baby November will come on Thanksgiving, right after you have finished your meal. :) I know you don't want to hear this but it would be so cool if Baby November and I shared a birthday, since this year I turn 26on the Thanksgiving day! And I know like 4 other people who share my B-day. I guess it is just a popular day to be born.
I would also like to guess that he will be 7lbs. 6 oz. and 21 inches long. I don't know, I just threw that in there! :)
My best friend's birthday is November 25. November 25 is not always Thanksgiving, you know. It won't be that bad! I think you'll just be happy that he is here.
ReplyDeleteWhich reminds me, we still need to schedule a date in December to get together. But after he comes it's going to be up to you to tell me when you feel like having visitors.
ReplyDeleteI dunno, I'm just excited for your life right now. I like 11:59 PM on November 18th. I make these numbers up because a)I would really appreciate a fellow procrastinator (we work best under pressure!) and b)I've just decided it will be a sign that he will fill your life with surprises. Oooh, I guess there's a: c)I like that 1+8 (the 18th) = 9, as in 2009 = the year he's born. The 1+1 (November is the 11th month) signifies first child for you and Ethan, and a likelihood to accomplish many early "firsts."
The 11:59 is because I like pushing the envelope.
That turned into a tangent - all unintelligent speculation, of course. Much love and I'm refreshing the page constantly!
ReplyDeleteI really hope baby November decides to come early for you. I would guess Monday or Tuesday based on this info you left and I really hope you dont have to go clear till thanksgiving good luck! Start walking, eating spicy foods and maybe jump on your bed I hear all of these can induce labor :)
ReplyDeleteMy guess is also the 21st
ReplyDeleteI think it's Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteI predict early in the morning 11/28, 8lbs. even and just the right amount of hair.
ReplyDeleteBren, AGFMB