Nope, no baby yet. I'm getting more and more anxious to go into labor, and each day that passes is so hard to sit through. I just want it to start already.
I went to the doc today, and there was zero change in my cervix, so that wasn't fun to hear. They did a fetal non-stress test (NST) to see if Baby November was as anxious as I am; nope, he's has happy as can me. I was hoping they'd tell me I needed to get induced today, instead they sent me on my way, saying all was well with him.
Originally I thought that I'd want to get induced the day after Thanksgiving, not any longer. Each day I wait is not fun, not fun at all. So, I called my doctor the other day and begged that the induction be moved up to Wednesday, the earliest possible that they'd induce me. She agreed. So now I'm just assuming I will not be having Thanksgiving at home. But it will be worth it. Let's just hope it won't come to that...
Lesley was 10 days late... not to make you depressed or anything...
I still think you're going to have labor pains/discomfort late on Sunday and will give birth on Monday. I hope for your sake though it all begins today.
ReplyDeleteI won't even tell you how late both my kids were! But the good thing is, that they will induce these days. But I'll hope for contractions today... I can still remember how uncomfortalbe those last weeks are!
ReplyDeleteMy brother was born on the 25th, it's a good day :) Good luck!