As I've stated again and again, James is at the best age right now. He remembers things and talks and contributes to our plans. Last week he requested another visit to Temple Square. What a smart kiddo! He said "see fountains there! Big ones! Splash!"
So on Monday morning (the first day of good weather) we packed up the family and headed to the new City Creek Mall (where there are LOTS of fountains!) and to Temple Square, where there are even more fountains.
As always, I was mesmerized by the flowers, James was mesmerized by the fountains. And E was on falcon watch, because they live on Hotel Utah, which is next to the temple.
Do you see James at the edge of the reflecting pool?
We were surprised we had the entire area to ourselves, being it was a holiday weekend and all, and plus the weather was glorious. But we weren't complaining.
And all the foxglove was in bloom. :)
Later E put six racks of ribs on his smoker. Yea, there was a second layer. There were TONS.
We invited his family over for a Memorial Day barbecue, and seriously, the weather was perfection.
James? He does this all the time. Puts his head in the flower box and says "working on something."
Juliet snuggling with Auntie Chelsea.
James is pretty good about trying new foods. He doesn't like 90% of what he tries, but I give him props for trying them. Here he is with his first ever rib. He said "don't like ribs!" No worries little man, you will, oh you will.
Post dinner dancing.
And laughing.
And hiding.
And here is seriously the hottest photo of E. Love this man.
Wellsie turns 3 🎂
4 days ago
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