My gosh. Light? Magic. Little boy and baby girl? Perfect. And new camera? TRUE LOVE. (I am so glad we decided to refinance our mortgage a few months ago, new mortgage means one month without a payment, which in turn means a present for me that usually we could no way afford. Yea!!!)
We walked all around, me with my camera exclaiming things like "wow, look at this!"or "oh my word I love this camera!" and E with the two perfect kiddos in tow.
Most spring and early summer flowers are in bloom. All the leaves are fresh and green and, like I said, the light was golden magic.
E packed a picnic of all my favorites. We laid out a blanket in the shade and I opened the picnic basket to find sandwiches, two types of cheeses and crackers, strawberries with Nutella, and the crown jewel: a plate of sushi!
This man really deserves a reward of some type.Yea, perfection.
We sat, we ate, we enjoyed. We watched the waterfall (which you can see to the left of E), and we commented on the life we have which is so full of happiness.
And there were these...
And these...

And before we left there was this. I nursed my little girl in the sunshine while watching James play in the garden I so love.
Best part of the entire evening (other than the golden light and the picnic and the sushi and the nutella...)? Picnic basket photos of Juliet! They are so adorable they deserve their own post.
Amazing photos!