Last year on James's half birthday we celebrated. We did something out of the usual and bought a huge cupcake with tons of frosting at the bakery. He adored it. And I got one of my favorite photos of him (and his beautiful eyes) to-date.
That was exactly one year ago. Today he turned two and a half. And in addition to converting his crib to a big boy bed (we've already gone in to put him back into bed twice, we will see how many times he gets up...) we also went out to an ice cream date after dinner. We've never done this, so it was super special. James ordered chocolate with rainbow sprinkles. I have a few more photos to share (along with a Wolfy post and a letter when I find the time), but for now, I share a messy faced photo of James, one year later.
Wellsie turns 3 🎂
4 days ago
So handsome! He'll do great in his bed, it just takes some getting used to on their part :)