A few weeks ago, when E asked what I wanted for Mother's Day, I jokingly said "a new camera body". I wanted a higher ISO, a faster focus, and HD video. But in reality, I was happy with my Canon Rebel.
So this morning when E gave me a Mother's Day gift (because we celebrate Mother's Day all weekend, not just Sunday!) I was absolutely and totally surprised that he got me a new camera. And these babies are not cheap. Not by a long shot.
I was thrilled and so so so happy. Once I started playing with it my happiness grew into LOVE. Oh my word this camera is a thing of beauty!! I was able to focus and click the shutter button before the happy smiles of my very fast toddler were gone. My old camera just didn't have that speed.
I caught smiles from James that I usually miss due to a camera still focusing.
I caught:
A fleeting glance,
a smile that lasted a millisecond,
a whispered secret (I love you)...
And then we went to Wheeler Farm and I caught even more gems. Never have I been this giddy about a camera. And it was a very very happy feeling.
Yea, E caught the photo with me in it, but he agrees is was super fast and awesome. LOVE! More Mother's Day goodness to come.
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
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