She is so happy about it she learned to clap and wave this month and can now do both on command (smartest baby award!). She even clapped here, in her photo with Patsy Ann. She still isn't crawling, however!
Juliet is such a happy easy baby at ten months. She is a good sleeper (however not great). She is a good eater but likes to spit out her veggies. She is happy to eat a diet of fruit, bread and avocado thank you very much. She is less and less interested in nursing, she hardly seems interested anymore and only nurses four times a day (morning, afternoon, bedtime and middle of the night).
Her little feet are still tiny, she wears a size 2 shoe with socks, and a size one without socks. You can see s little foot chub when she wears her red patent leather shoes, and foot chub is adorable.
She's been doing quite a bit of teething this month. A top tooth broke through, a third bottom tooth is half way through and the other top tooth is moving down too. She kinda hates teething, who doesn't?
Hair is getting long and curly. Little curls behind her ears.
Long enough for a bow.
Food. She is happy when she's eating.
Mama and Daddy. Oh my goodness is she going through a Daddy phase! And it is awesome! She laughs for Daddy more than anyone else in the world.
Snuggles. She sure is quite the little snuggle bunny.
Clapping and waving on command, and seeing our reaction when she does it correctly.
The kitties.
Being read to. Global Babies and Noisy Peek-a-boo are her top favorites.
Pomegranates and raspberries.
Baths in the kitchen sink and soaking Mama's kitchen floor.
Not having enough fruit on her high chair.
When Mama leaves her side when she's sleeping. Even if she's dead asleep she will wake up instantly!
And her outfit?! It is my favorite thing currently. I've already tagged it favorite outfits, but here are details again.
Dress - purchased off Instagram
Onsie - hand-me-down
Tights - Old Navy
Red shoes - Janie & Jack
Hairbow - Janie & Jack
And from 1 month until now:

I can't get enough of her! She is adorable and her smile makes me smile. Happy 10 months Juliet!
ReplyDeleteThat first picture is absolutely fantastic! She is such a sweetie.